Cold, Lazy Paris
Ever get so tired and worn out, your life feels like it's constantly in the middle of a David Lynch film, right when the plot thickens and shit just gets weird? It's been cold, I ran out of paper towels 2 weeks ago, and from working to going to class to working .. to interning to life, I can say I am officially exhausted. So exhausted, that I've barely taken any photos in the past month. Before I run back to my couch, here are some moments that I've managed to capture in the past couple of weeks. Anddddd also a playlist that fits this lazy mood (press play before viewing!). Think lazy mornings (which I've had one too many), breakfast, and lounging around in your underwear and a maxi-cardigan-robe-thing.
(Above: Joe!! learning how to be Parisian in my apartment.)
Curly Girl, under the sun, her natural habitat.
Glimpses of sunshine in overcast-y Paris...
Becca, métro edition.
Oh..and I went to Brussels. To visit my roommate from the States, who just moved there in January! And our friend Alyssa Bloop came to visit from Milan!! Lost most of the film on this roll, because the backdoor to my camera accidentally opened...(it's been a long month)
Alyssa Bloop!!
And then Nicole (my roommate) and Dana (more friends) came to Paris the following weekend to visit ME! The sole photo that remained on the exposed roll: